Molly Weasley

Series 1

Finished : 14.May.2004

Original Identity : The Rosie O’Donnell Doll (Mattel)

JKR’s Specs : Plump older lady with a kind face

Choosing a Weasley : I wanted to use Rosie O’Donnell from the beginning, but changed my mind when I was only able to turn dig up one. I wanted a Rosie just to have one after all. But then I figured that she came to me to be Molly Weasley as I found her in a very odd place. So I gave up the idea of finding a duplicate Rosie and gave the Weasley Kids their Mum.

Making a Weasley : {view before Image}

Molly was my first re-root. For that alone she was an awesome learning experience. It was a very long and involved task getting her old hair out and putting new hair in. I was glad I had skipped it with Bill and went for the hair dye. But Rosie isn’t blond so hair dye was out of the question. I toyed with re-painting in my head for the sake of making the face look older, but decided not to risk it since I didn’t have a duplicate (not very brave am I?). I sewed her cloak me-self, that’s the only piece of her outfit I made and I’m aware it’s a crap job (mind you, I haven’t tried to make doll clothing since I was 10, so it was at least a start). I need to make the next one longer and wider. In fact, she needs an outfit that’s not red, because she looks like an overgrown lil’ Red ridding hood in that outfit.

My Thoughts on the Result : I still wish I was talented enough to add a few age lines to Molly’s face. My choice of doll had to do with more the doll’s physical build than her face. Her body is PTR style, thereby has limited movement, but that doesn’t bother me to much with Molly for some reason. I just think she looks too young to have grown sons. I’m also not in love with what I did with her hair. As I think Julie Walters as Molly Weasley is one of the characters that’s down right PERFECT in the films, I wish she had turned out closer to that image. Oh well, she’s my Molly and I love her.


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